Sanctuary ICT, the trusted digital commerce partner

FraudSáf System

FraudSáf System

The purpose of your business is to solves scam & improves reliability.

FraudSáf solves the scam transaction problem. FraudSáf also improves user experience and reliability.
Infographic Infographic
In the era of digital economy, the device risks and challenges faced by traditional and new business scenarios are more severe. FraudSáf is committed to accurately generating trusted device identities through only a small amount of device information. Under the trend of globalization of fraud risks, it can effectively distinguish trusted traffic and suspicious traffic. On the basis of risk prevention and control, take into account user privacy, experiences and benefits.

With minimum necessary device information, unique patented algorithm, persistent and trusted device identity, each user’s norm / behaviour by performing transactions being recorded by the databank. Business able to understudy the logic / norm of each user and detect if user changed mobile phone, mobile IP from time to time to determine the genuity of user transaction.

FraudSáf System

Reach out to our team at 603-27323831 or email us at to find out more about FraudSáf.

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